Patient Registration Form Please complete the information below and submit the form online, or if you prefer print out the form after full or partial completion, and bring it when you come to our office. This form contains confidential information and is delivered to your doctor through a secure Internet connection.Patient InformationName* Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Suffix Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code Phone Number*Please provide a telephone number, with area code, so we can contact you.Daytime PhoneCell PhoneEmail Address(Will be used for personal contact only)Health Card NumberPersonal InformationGender* Female Male X Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Preferred Language*Select Preferred Language >EnglishSpanishFrenchJapaneseDecline to specifyMarital StatusSelect Marital Status >DivorcedLegally SeparatedMarriedSingleWidowedOtherMarital Status - OtherPlease provide your marital status.Employment StatusSelect Employment Status >Employed Full-TimeEmployed Part-TimeNot EmployedOn Active Military DutyRetiredSelf-EmployedStudent Full-TimeStudent Part-TimeOtherEmployment Status - OtherPlease provide your employment status.EmployerOccupationHobbiesHow were you referred to our office?Select Referral Type >Friend or FamilyFamily DoctorOphthalmologistInsurance CompanyNewspaperTelevisionRadioReceived MailingInternetOther OptometristOtherReferral Status - OtherPlease let us know how you were referred to our office.Communication PreferenceSelect Communication Preference >EmailPostalTelephoneReason for AppointmentReason for Appointment Routine Exam Referral Other Problem Referred byBriefly Explain ProblemEye HistoryPlease check off any current conditions you suffer from I stopped wearing glasses I stopped wearing contact lenses Headaches Glare/Light Sensitivity Tired Eyes Amblyopia (lazy eye) Burning Dryness Watery Eyes Eye Pain and/or Soreness Foreign Body Sensation Infection of Eye or Lid Itching Mucous Discharge Drooping eyelid(s) Redness Sandy or Gritty Feeling Strabismus (crossed eye) Blurred Vision at Distance Blurred Vision at Near Haloes Double Vision Floaters or Spots Fluctuating Vision Loss of Vision Loss of Side Vision I stopped wearing glasses because:I stopped wearing contact lenses because:Glasses HistoryDo you wear glasses?* Yes No What glasses do you own? Single Vision Bifocals Safety Glasses Backup Glasses Progressive Trifocals Sports Glasses Sunglasses Other Other glasses:Please tell us what other kinds of glasses you own.How many hours a day do you use a computer?Please enter a number from 0 to 24.How many inches away, approximately, do you sit from your computer monitor?Please enter a number from 0 to 120.Please check off any current conditions you suffer from I am having problems with my current glasses There are times when I would rather not be wearing glasses I have problems with glare I have problems with night vision I am allergic to nickel (e.g. frames of glasses) I don’t have spare set of glasses My spare glasses have an incorrect prescription My sunglasses are missing UV (ultra-violet) protection Contact Lens HistoryDo you wear contact lenses?* Yes No What brand of contact lenses do you wear?How old are your current lenses?How often do you replace or dispose your contact lenses?What brand of solution do you soak your lenses in?What is your typical wearing schedule? In hours per day:Please enter a number from 0 to 24.What is your typical wearing schedule? In days per week:Please enter a number from 0 to 7.Please check off all that apply to you I am having problems with my current contact lenses There are times when I would rather not be wearing contact lenses I am interested in changing or enhancing my eye color I am interested in a non-surgical method of vision correction I am interested in refractive laser surgery I don't have a spare set of contact lenses My spare contact lenses have an incorrect prescription Medical HistoryWhen, approximately, was your last eye exam?Where did you get your last eye exam?When, approximately, was your last physical exam?Who is your primary care physician?Do you drink alcohol?Do you drink alcohol >NoYes, 1 per weekYes, 1 per dayYes, 2 or 3 per dayYes, 4 or more per dayDo you smoke?Do you smoke >NoYes, 1/2 a pack per dayYes, 1 pack per dayYes, more than 1 pack per dayPlease list all medical conditions you have ever had (Diabetes, High blood pressure, Arthritis, etc.)Please list all eye conditions you have ever had (Glaucoma, Cataract, Wandering or Lazy eye, Retinal detachment)Please list any medical or eye conditions that run in your family (blood relatives) (Diabetes, High blood pressure, Cancer, Glaucoma, Macular degeneration, etc.)Please list all hospital surgeries you have ever had:Please list all prescription and over-the-counter medications you take and for what conditionsPlease list all drug allergies you havePlease check off any current conditions you suffer from Chronic fever, unexpected weight loss/gain, fatigue Ear/nose/throat problems ( eg. Hearing loss, sinus problems, sore throat) Heart problems (eg. Chest pain, irregular heart beat, swelling of feet, cold hands or feet) Respiratory problems (eg. Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing) Gastrointestinal problems (eg. Heartburn, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting) Genitourinary problems (eg. Painful urination, blood in urine, sex organ problems) Musculoskeletal problems (eg. Muscle aches, joint pain, swollen joints) Skin problems (eg. Rashes, excessive dryness, growths or lumps) Neurological problems (eg. Numbness, weakness, headaches, “blackouts”) Psychiatric problems (eg. Depression, anxiety) Endocrine problems (eg. Frequent urination, thirst, feeling hot or cold all the time) Blood/Lymph problems (eg. Bruising, weakness, unusual paleness, swollen glands) Immune problems (eg. Frequent infections, allergic reactions to foods, dust, pollens) CommentsIf you have any comments you would like to add, please enter them here.Privacy PolicyHealth Information Protection* I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy Signature*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Please NoteTo provide our patients with the optimum eye health and vision care, some diagnostic tests may be performed that are not covered under the OHIP system. In some cases (children up to 19 years, seniors and medically necessary) the basic eye exam will be covered by OHIP, but some tests will have to be paid for separately. You will be advised of any costs associated with these procedures. Payments are required at the time services are rendered.We thank you for completing this form. Drs. Miller, Timpano, MacNeill, Iley, Wright, Furfaro, and BrayPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ